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WOW! - An Interactive, Digital Art Museum has opened in Tokyo...

An interactive, digital Art museum has opened it's doors in Tokyo and has been created and delivered by an incredible partnership involving Mori Building, a developer and TeamLab, an art collective. ZSpace finds it fascinating, the incredible talent behind this is one to be recognised.

The museum combines art, technology, science, design and images of the natural world with simulations generated by 520 computers and 470 high-tech projectors. Impressive! With over 10,000 square metres to play with this phenomenal museum has 50 interactive displays that blend into one another, forming one borderless world. Artworks move out of the rooms freely, breaking down barriers, the barriers between each piece of art, its visitors and from one individual to another.

We have picked out our top 5 interactive displays shown in the museum… take a look.

Click on each image as you go along to get a true representation of each display!

1. Universe Of Water Particles On A Rock Where People Gather

The rock where people gather is reproduced in a virtual three-dimensional space. Water is simulated to fall onto the rock and the flow of water draws the shape of the waterfall. Lines are drawn in relation to the behavior of the water particles.

When a person stands on the rock or touches the waterfall, they too become like a rock that changes the flow of water. Due to the interaction of people, the flow of water continues to transform in real time.

Previous visual states can never be replicated and will never reoccur.

2. The Way Of The Sea, Floating Nest

This work is interesting. It is viewed from lying down or sitting in the Floating Nest. The artwork starts when the shoal of fish from The Way of the Sea passes through the Flower Forest (as seen above) and enters the floating nest. The work ends when the fish leave the space.

When lying down on the Floating nest, the body will come immersed into the work, the boundary between people and the work dissolves.

TeamLabs state the work is rendered in real time by a computer programme; it is neither a pre-recorded animation or imagery on loop.

The work is in constant change and will never be repeated and can never be seen in the same way again.

3. Wander through the Crystal World

The ‘Crystal World’ is pleasing to the eye and uses an accumulation of light points to create a sculptural body, similar to the way distinct dots of colour form an image through the reflection of light.

The accumulation of lights in three- dimensional space form an image of a world inside the Crystal World.

Due to visitor interaction this Crystal World is in perpetual change, the space is reborn moment by moment.

4. Flower Forest: Lost, Immersed, Reborn

It is a must that you watch the link below for this one… it’s incredible! You will see the flowers blossom according to the changing seasons, the space where they grow gradually moves at the same time.

The interactive aspect of the display reaches new levels here, if viewers stay still, flowers surrounding them will bloom and grow; however if viewers touch or step on the flowers they shed their petals at once.

5. Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic

This section of the museum is beautiful. It represents the cycle of life in its entirety. The animal’s animation is made from the flowers in the 'Flower Forest'. The flowers grow from the body of the animals, bloom and in time their petals scatter, they wither and die… representing ‘The Cycle of Life’.

When visitors are interactive with the animals the petals will scatter, however if touched too much the animals will fade away.

The art is again rendered in real time and previous visual states will never be replicated.

'People understand and recognize the world through their bodies, moving freely and forming connections and relationships with others. As a consequence the body has its own sense of time. In the mind, the boundaries between different thoughts are ambiguous, causing them to influence and sometimes intermingle with each other.' (TeamLab)

We found this digital art work fascinating. The borderless work transforms when interacting with humans, it therefore conveys the same concept of time as the human body. It can really influence visitors to get lost in the beautiful creation!


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