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The Two Tone Trend

Updated: Jun 24, 2020

The era of all white kitchen cabinets is over; colour is making a comeback! The new trend is kitchen cabinets in two different colours, for example one colour on the top cabinets and a different colour on the bottom cabinets. A popular design we are currently seeing is a neutral top colour and a dark moody colour on lower cabinets. Alternatively, a kitchen island could be painted in an alternative colour to the rest of the cabinets.

The two tone trend can add interest to an otherwise bland kitchen space, and create a whole new style, with great visual effect.

Instead of going down the one colour on top, one on the bottom design, you can opt to make a focal point of a specific area in your kitchen you want to stand out. This could be the area around the oven, the breakfast bar, or an open shelf area. Focusing on one area in your kitchen can result in a chic and well organised look.

The two tone trend can be carried to different rooms in the house. Panelling can create the two tone trend in any room, and creates a traditional, opulent look. Differing tiles can be used in a bathroom to achieve the two tone trend, this can be done by using the same tile in different colours or by using different shapes or materials of tiles.

Wherever you decide to use the two tone trend you can be sure it will transform your home into a stylish and enviable space.


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